Sunday, March 1, 2009

Well, Friday Feb. 27th, 7:30 am, the wood butchers arrived! Taunting us with a large Herbicide Tank on a truck with 50+ foot hoses on each side! They told the Chester Town Supervisor, Steve Neuhaus- "There would be no spraying" of Herbicides! But who's watching them? Only what I can see from my house. They will surely sneak it when they think no one is watching. Why do they need the Tank Truck?
Large trees were felled, including a large Hickory! No where near the power cables hundreds of feet up. So why the cutting & shredding ? A quote from them "were just doing our job", like adolf once said! And to top off insult to injury, we are not given a chance to keep any of our butchered tree wood for our woodstove! AND this is our land, our home, our trees. Is there any justice or consideration for the owner of the property- NO! This the way O&R operates! Uncaring, inconsiderate, abusing the rite- of- way of our land ! We are not alone. Wherever the white trucks of Lewis Tree Service & Davey Resource Group go, TREES will be destroyed and HERBICIDE POISONS will be sprayed.

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